Your Name*:
Your E-mail*:
Basis of presentation*: IFRSManagement accountingBoth
Name of the report(s) you need*: Balance SheetIncome StatementBalance Sheet and Income StatementOther management report(s)All of the above
Short description of management report(s) you need:
Reporting date for your Balance Sheet (YYYY-MM-DD format):
Reporting period for other reports: from (YYYY-MM-DD format): to (YYYY-MM-DD format): basis: dailyweeklymonthlyquarterlyannualy
Select the date when you are ready to start (YYYY-MM-DD format)*:
Select the date when you need the reports (YYYY-MM-DD format)*:
Number of transactions per bank statement*:
Your Message:
Acceptance* I have read and accepted Privacy terms and Terms of use.